If you have static website files & you want to host it on the Internet so that other people can visit your website & communicate with you, then GitHub is the best FREE option for you.

Follow the steps to host your static website on GitHub for free of cost. First of all, go to github.com, then create an account for yourself, if you don't have an account already. Then log in with your account credentials to GitHub. After logging in to your GitHub account, click on "Create Repository" option on the top left side of your screen. Create a repository, upload the files (static website files) & initialize the repository and finally click on commit changes.
So, now you have successfully created the repository. Go to settings, then go to GitHub pages & click on master-branch to activate GitHub pages, it'll take some time to publish your site, keep reloading the page until then. When the site gets published, you can access the site on the Internet, using the link provided to you by GitHub. You can also add a custom domain to your static website. You can watch the video embedded below for step by step tutorial.
Thanks for reading. Have a nice day!
hi brother how can i find any one location and address
Whish tool i will use
other than iptracket